Tulsion A-15MP ISO-9001/ISO-14001/OHSAS-18000
Tulsion A-15MP是一款及其耐用的大孔弱堿性陰離子交換樹脂,具有二乙烯苯共聚物架構上加載叔胺官能團的特性。它擁有獨特的物理架構,以致于使得它比凝膠型弱堿型陰離子交換樹脂具有更優(yōu)越的動力學和更強的抗?jié)B透沖擊壓能力。
Tulsion A-15MP使用燒堿再生時有極高的工作能力,并且對沖洗要求很低。它比一般的凝膠型陰離子交換樹脂有更好的抗有機物污染的能力。
Tulsion A-15MP以硼酸作為官能團,是特殊應用領域樹脂。
類型/Type 大孔離子交換樹脂/Macroporous ion Exchange Resin
主體結構/Matrix structure 聚苯乙烯共聚物/Polystyrene copolymer
官能團/Functional group 硼酸/Boric Acid
離子形態(tài)/Ionic form 游離堿/Free base
物理型式/Physical form 濕潤球狀/Moist spherical beads
目數/Screen size USS (濕) 16 to 50
粒度/Particle size(95% minm.) 0.3 - 1.2 mm
膨脹率/Swelling(approx) Free base to Cl- 20%
濕度/Moisture content 47±3%
反洗穩(wěn)定密度/Backwash settled density 640 - 670 gm/lit(40 - 42 lbs/cft)
{zd0}溫度/Maximum Thermal Stability 80℃(175℉)
PH范圍/PH range 0- 9
溶解性/Solubility 不溶/Insoluble in all common solvent
樹脂床高度/Resin bed depth 600 mm(24″)
{zd0}流速/Maximum service flow 40m/hr/m
逆洗膨脹空間/Backwash expansion space 50 - 70%
逆洗膨脹空間/Backwash expansion flow rate(25℃) 4 - 6m/hr/㎡
再生劑/Regenerant NaOH, Na2CO3,NH4OH
再生程度/Regeneration level 120% of the operating capacity for NaOH
再生濃度/Regeneration concentration 1 - 5%
再生時間/Regeneration time 20 - 60 分鐘
操作溫度/Maximum Operating temperature 80℃ max
沖洗流速/Rinse flow rate: 慢/slow 再生流速/At Regeneration flow rate
快/fast 工作流速/At service flow rate
沖洗體積/Rinse volume 2- 7m/m
游離氯/Free chlorine 無/Not traceable
濁度/Turbidity 小于2 NTU/Less than 2 NTU
鐵和重金屬含量/Iron and heavy metals 小于0.1ppm/Less than 0.1ppm
測試(TESTING): Tulsion A-15 MP
離子交換樹脂的抽樣和測試是按標準的測試程序,即ASTMD - 2187和IS - 7330,1998.
包裝(PACKING): Tulsion A-15 MP
Super Sack 1000 lit Super Sack 35 cft
MS drums 180 lit. MS drums 7 cft
HDPE lines Bags 25 lit. HDPE lines Bags 1 cft
For Handling, Safety and Storage requirements please refer to the individual Material Safety Data Sheets available at our offices. The data included herein are based on test information obtained by Thermax Limited. These date are believed to be reliable, but do not imply any warranty or performance guarantee. Tolerances for characteristics are per BIS/ASTM. We recommend that the user should determine the performance of the product by testing on his own processing equipment.
For further information, please contact:17090831380,,13917047856,QQ315684815.