Tel:+86760 6226998 FAX:+86760 3385642
Million phoneet Holding Ltd is located in Hong Kong with production factory - Jianhao Garment Co Ltd - based in Shaxi Town ,Zhongshan city, China's leading production centre for leisure garment products. The total property area is 10 thousand square metres on which are erected a number of buildings with total production floor space of 10 thousand square metres. The workers' quarters is six thousand square metres. At present, Jianhao Garment Co Ltd employs 450 factory workers and 150 office and administrative staff. The total monthly production come up to 300- 500 thousand pieces.
For futher enquiries, please visit our website: www.seaotter.com.cn or E-mail: WJH@seaotter.com.cn.
Contact detail: Telephone number: +86760 6226998 Fax number: +86760 3385642.