加德士RPM46空壓機油,長城齒輪油型號,C-F5 ULTRA,深圳市金中華潤滑油有限公司貨熱線聯(lián)系人:盤小姐。電話:0755-81713599,手機:13652310112
加德士RPM46空壓機油,長城齒輪油型號,C-F5 ULTRA加德士RPM46空壓機油,長城齒輪油型號,C-F5 ULTRA加德士RPM46空壓機油,長城齒輪油型號,C-F5 ULTRA加德士RPM46空壓機油,長城齒輪油型號,C-F5 ULTRA加德士RPM46空壓機油,長城齒輪油型號,C-F5 ULTRA
-30oC to 120oC with appropriate adjustments to re-lubrication interval. -30 o C至120 o C再潤滑間隔進行適當的調整 。 Mobil SHC Grease 101 EAL and 102 EALare NLGI grade 1 and 2 respectively; both have ISO VG 100 base oils. 美孚SHC潤滑脂101 EAL和102 EALare NLGI 1級和2分別都采用ISO VG 100基礎油。
Extensive field evaluation and commercial experience with these products around the world has confirmed good performance in a variety of applications ranging from marble quarry chain saws to hydro-turbines. 廣泛的實地評估,并與世界各地的這些產品的商業(yè)經驗已證實在各種不同的應用范圍從大理石采石場鏈鋸水電渦輪不錯的表現。 Even though they are designed for environmental benefits, Mobil SHC Grease 101 EAL and 102 EAL stand up to very demanding performance standards and help extend equipment life and keep equipment running reliably and efficiently. 即使他們是環(huán)境效益的設計,美孚SHC潤滑脂101 EAL和102 EAL站起來非??量痰男阅軜藴?,并有利于延長設備的使用壽命,并保持設備運行可靠,{gx}。