器Systems Transcell Technology Inc S.Himmelstein and Company JLM 稱重傳感器Instrument Arpege-Masterk AKO Inc Cardinal Scale Mfg.Co 稱重傳感器Celesco Transducer Checkline英國:Applied Measurements Ltd(AML) 稱重傳感器Control Transducers Ltd Halma Group-Thames Side-Maywood RDP 稱重傳感器lectronicS-Sensors Techni Measure Mecmesin Limited 稱重傳感器Industrial Measurements Ltd DEM Machines Procter and Chester 稱重傳感器Measurements Ltd(PCM) LCM Systems Ltd德國:Burster Gmbh Honigmann 稱重傳感器Tension Meter Lorenz Messtechnik GmbH ME-Messsysteme GmbH 稱重傳感器Peekel Instruments A.S.T Angewandte SYSTEM-TECHNIK 法國:稱重傳感器Scaime Inc Precia Molen日本:Kyowa Sensor Systems Unipulse 稱重傳感器Corporation Kistler Japan Sohgoh Keiso NTS Tokyo Sokki 稱重傳感器Kenkyujo韓國:C&M Robotics Hitrol Bongshin Loadcell意大利:Gefran ISI 稱重傳感器N.B.C.Elettronica Laumas Electtronica AEP Transducers DINI 稱重傳感器Argeo瑞典:Vetek AB臺灣:Arico(Gefran) Algol(NTS) Esense具體型號稱重傳感器參考如下:美國Cooper稱重傳感器系列(其中有小量程傳感器):
LFS210-25 LFS 210 S Beam Load Cell 0-25lb
LFS210-50 LFS 210 S Beam Load Cell 0-50lb
LFS210-100 LFS 210 S Beam Load Cell 0-100lb