徐生:13580901766東莞市波爾塑膠原料有限公司(0769-33358922;FAX:0769-83508958;網(wǎng)址:.)長期供應(yīng)以下現(xiàn)貨,歡迎來電咨詢洽談,合作雙贏! Cycoloy CY6010 resin is a flame retardant PC/ABS blend featuring excellent flow together with good impact and UL-94 V0 listing at 1.5mm. Its excellent flow combined with balanced heat and good practical impact makes it an ideal candidate for a wide variety of applications. 性能特點(diǎn):抗撞擊性,良好;流動性高;耐熱性,中等;阻燃性能。 熔流率 (260°C/2.16 kg) :34 g/10 min --ASTM D1238 。溶化體積流率(MVR) (260°C/2.16 kg) :30.0 cm3/10min--- ISO 1133 。